
News & Events


Karissa Shuck joins the lab for a 6-week KEYS Research Internship exploring the role of oxidative stress in lifespan extension resulting from inhibiting the HAAO enzyme.


The Jackson Laboratory publishes a new article on Dr. Sutphin’s postdoctoral research, which is now continuing in the Sutphin Lab. Read more here…


The Sutphin Lab moves to the new Bioscience Research Laboratory (BSRL)!


Dr. Sutphin appointed Scientific Member of the Arizona Center on Aging (ACOA).


Johnny Schmidt, Erica Spence, and Emily Turner accepted into the Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP).

Welcome to the
Sutphin Lab!

Our goal is to understand the molecular basis of aging, and leverage this understanding to develop new clinical interventions to extend healthy human lifespan and treat age-associated disease.

We use a combination of systems and comparative genetics to identify new molecules capable of influencing lifespan, characterize their mechanistic role in aging, and understand their interaction with other aging processes. By building a working model of the molecular networks that drive age-associated functional deterioration we can identify key targets for clinical intervention.

Like what you see?

We are looking for talented and passionate scientists interested in basic and translational aging science to join our team.

  Join us!